Tips on Creating Effective Directional Signage

Creating Effective Directional Signage

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In any building, it’s important to keep conditions that would make the place convenient and cozy for both employees and visitors. One of the ways to achieve this is to equip a wayfinding system with high-quality directional signs.

If you are in need of directional signs, consider the assortment of the Bsign store or order a custom-made product from them. The reason for such a recommendation is that with the brand you can choose the following features of your signs:

  • Fonts;
  • Size;
  • Shape;
  • Color;
  • Material;
  • Mount.

With this free choice, it will be easier to stick to our tips on creating effective directional signage.

Minimum Letters

The task of a directional sign is to provide information in a clear and coherent way. You won’t achieve this if you write long sentences redundant with words. This is absolutely pointless if you want signs to be effective. One or two words are absolutely enough. What’s more, on directional signs, letters are not necessary at all. You may use special pictograms and arrows to help visitors navigate around smoothly.

Simple Signage Plate Design

One more important thing is that letters should be readable and visible. It will be difficult to achieve if the signage plate design is too sophisticated and has too many redundant elements that don’t help navigate but distract visitors from actual lettering.

To ensure a simple design, use plain colors that don’t look too roguish, but at the same time make sure that they are not too pale for visitors to see. Also, use colors that would be contrastive with lettering.

Use of Standard Symbols

Individuals with different backgrounds might come to your facility. In order not to make them confused about your wayfinding system, suppress your unique expressions. Better use some standard symbols and pictograms that are widely recognizable everywhere. In terms of direction, simple arrows are the best solutions you might come up with.

Compliance with ADA Requirements

Remember that there are some legal requirements for directional signs. The reason for that is that such plates not only ensure convenience in the facility but also might virtually save lives during emergency situations. That is the reason why signs should be readable and understandable to every individual regardless of their physical capacity. All these things are regulated by the Americans with Disabilities Act. Find manufacturers that comply with these requirements to make sure that your space will be accessible to everybody.

Proper Placement

Last but not least, there are some requirements that regulate the placement of directional signs across a building. It’s crucial to make sure that directional signs are available at entry points to the building. Also, it’s relevant to place them on the staircase landing and next to elevators in order to help visitors find their way instantly once they get to another floor.

We hope that with all these recommendations, it will be easier for you to choose appropriate directional signs and apply them effectively.