Tips to Match Siding Designs with Bedding Styles

Siding Designs with Bedding Styles

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Looking to match your home’s siding with coordinating bedding? This post shares easy tips to help you tie together your indoor and outdoor decor. Learn simple techniques for color coordination, matching bedding to your architectural style, and updating your look seasonally. Let’s get started on making the inside and outside of your home look cohesive!

Color Coordination Techniques

The Basics of Color Matching

Color matching helps your home look good inside and out. Start with the color of your home’s outside walls (siding). Your goal is to choose bed covers (bedding) that stand out against this color or go really well with it.

1. Complementary Colors

These colors are opposite each other on a color wheel. For example, if your home is painted a deep blue, choosing bed covers in warm gold or amber makes a strong, attractive contrast. This kind of pairing catches the eye and brings energy to the room.

2. Analogous Colors

These colors are next to each other on the color wheel. They mix nicely, creating a calm and united look.

So, for a blue house, picking bedding in lighter blue or gentle lavender makes things feel peaceful. This choice is great for making a bedroom a relaxing place.

3. Monochromatic Shades

This means using different shades (lighter or darker versions) of the same color.

It’s about mixing different levels of lightness and darkness of that color for a classy, well-put-together look. Using shades of the same color adds depth and makes the room look well-planned and elegant.

Understanding Light and Material

Colors can look different based on the material they’re on and the light in the room. A shiny blue siding might look bright outside, but the same blue bed covers might look softer inside under a lamp.

Remember this to make sure your colors really go well together. The way light hits a color can change the feeling of the room, so it’s important to think about this when picking your bedding.

Playing with Accents

Accent colors add excitement and personality to your room. They let you add a little surprise or drama. If your house siding is one solid color, try bedding that has a pattern with a little bit of that outside color in it.

This links your home’s outside look with the inside, making everything feel connected.

Choosing the right accents can make the bedroom lively and ensure it feels like a natural extension of the outside, yet also a cozy, personal space.

Adapting Bedding to Home Architecture

Understanding Your Home’s Architectural Style

Every home has its unique architectural style, whether it’s like fancy Victorian designed by exterior remodeling experts, a simple Modern, or a cozy Craftsman.

Knowing this style helps you pick bedding that goes well with your house, making everything look like it fits together perfectly. It’s like making sure your outfit matches before you go out. When your inside decor matches your home’s style, it feels more connected and complete.

Victorian Elegance

Victorian homes are all about fancy details and rich colors. If your home is Victorian, choose bedding with luxurious fabrics and complex patterns, kind of like dressing your bed in its own fancy outfit. Using materials like velvet and choosing designs with flowers or complicated shapes can make your bedroom look as grand as your home’s exterior. This makes your room feel extra special and elegant, just like a Victorian house itself.

Modern Minimalism

Modern homes love everything clean and simple. If you have a modern home, your bedding should be straightforward and functional. Go for bedding that’s one color, maybe with some geometric shapes or just a bit of texture to keep things interesting but not too busy. This keeps your room looking neat and open, perfectly matching the modern, less-is-more style of your house.

Craftsman Coziness

Craftsman homes are warm and inviting, using lots of natural materials. Bedding for a Craftsman home should make you feel cozy and connected to nature. Choose soft, natural fabrics like cotton or linen in earthy colors.

Simple designs or patterns work best here, making your bedroom a comfortable, peaceful place that feels just right.

Mixing and Matching with Care

Mixing different styles is fun but needs to be done carefully. You want your home to feel like everything belongs together. If your house looks modern on the outside but you love Victorian-style bedding, pick something that has simple lines but richer textures or a bit of pattern.

This way, you get the best of both worlds without clashing. It’s all about balancing what you love with the style of your house to create a home that feels harmonious and truly yours.

By choosing bedding that matches your home’s architectural style, you make your living space feel more put-together and personal. It’s not just about making your bedroom look good; it’s about creating a space that feels right to you and fits with the overall style of your home.

Easy DIY Tips for a Personal Touch in Your Home

Paint Tricks for a Matching Look

Make your bedroom pop by painting your headboard to match your home’s outside color. It’s an easy way to link your room’s look with the outside of your house. You can choose a bold color to make a statement or a soft one for a gentle nod to your exterior.

This simple change can make your bedroom feel connected to the rest of your home in a harmonious way.

Simple Sewing for Cozy Vibes

Bring the outside in by sewing pillows that match your home’s siding texture or pattern. It’s a fun project that lets you play with fabric and design. You can choose materials that feel like your siding, like something rough or smooth, and sew pillows that make your bedding unique. This personal touch adds coziness and style to your room.

Smart Decorating on a Budget

You don’t need a lot of money to make your bedroom feel special and connected to your home’s exterior. Look around for materials you already own and think of ways to turn them into decor. You can turn old fabric into new pillowcases or find second-hand items to spruce up.

These budget-friendly projects let you show off your creativity and make your space feel more “you” without spending a lot.

Try New Things, Make It Yours

Think of your home as a place where you can express yourself. These DIY projects are your chance to make your living space truly yours, showing off your style both inside and out.

Don’t be afraid to try new projects and ideas. Each attempt is a chance to learn and create something that makes you happy and proud of your home.

Seasonal Sync: Merging Interior Comfort with Exterior Style

Adapting your home decor with the season goes beyond just a style choice—it’s about making your space feel aligned with the world outside your door.

This involves choosing the right colors and materials that reflect the changing seasons, ensuring your home is always a welcoming and harmonious space.

Seasonal Color Shifts

Bright and Breezy for Spring and Summer

For spring and summer, choose bedding in light fabrics and vibrant or pastel colors. These shades mirror the lively outdoor environment, bringing a sense of freshness indoors. Adding these colors makes your room feel as open and bright as a sunny day, perfectly complementing the steadfast nature of your home’s exterior with a light, seasonal touch.

Rich and Warm for Fall and Winter

When fall and winter arrive, switch to bedding that wraps you in warmth. Deep, rich colors and heavier materials echo the coziness of the season. This transition not only keeps you comfortable but also matches the robustness of your home’s siding, making your bedroom a cozy escape from the cold, mirroring the natural world’s shift to quieter, more introspective times.

Echoing Your Home’s Exterior

Year-Round Reflections

Your bedding choices should subtly nod to your home’s exterior, regardless of the season. If your siding features specific colors or styles, let these inspire your bedding to create a continuous thread of design. This strategy ensures a unified look that celebrates your home’s character, making the interior feel like a natural extension of the exterior.

Finding the Perfect Balance

It’s essential to find a middle ground between style and practicality. Your bedding should not only complement the siding but also provide the right level of warmth or coolness. Opt for breathable fabrics in summer and snug, warm layers in winter, ensuring your bedroom is always an oasis of comfort that stylishly mirrors the season.

Simplifying Seasonal Updates

Refreshing your bedroom with the seasons doesn’t need a complete makeover. Simple swaps like changing pillowcases or adding a new throw can dramatically refresh the room’s vibe. These minor adjustments are a smart way to keep your indoor space in tune with the outdoor season, ensuring your home feels both stylish and season-appropriate all year long.

By thoughtfully choosing bedding that complements your home’s siding and embracing the natural shifts in the seasons, you create a living space that is both inviting and in harmony with its surroundings. This approach not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of your home but also its comfort, making it a true sanctuary no matter the time of year.


In conclusion, choose bedding that complements your home’s exterior siding through color coordination, matching architectural styles, and seasonal adaptations. This creates a stylish, inviting living space that reflects your personal flair.

Thoughtfully linking indoor and outdoor palettes crafts a cohesive home that looks as good as it feels. Now it’s your turn – evaluate your home’s siding and architecture, consider your color preferences, and select bedding that ties everything together.

With some creativity and purposeful choices, you can fashion an interior that seamlessly matches the exterior for a pulled-together look you’ll love coming home to.